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Ever heard of dentists making promotions? Most people would be surprised even to think about such a possibility. Dentists are in demand for their services and do not feel the need to offer any kind of promotions. Yes, there is a possibility that newcomers in the field may consider such offers. However, the chances of their services being inferior in quality are high, and therefore they are not likely to find many takers for the promotions they make. However, the Shamblott Family Dentistry the not hesitate to offer promotions to their clients with the intention to build trust and make it easy for them to reduce some of the costs that may be involved. Let us look at the kind of promotions they offer for the benefit of people who may want to take advantage of the same.



New patients visiting the firm for the first time will be given a free examination, which includes an initial exam, consultation and x-rays of the panoramic and the bitewing types. The firm believes that patients should not have to pay to understand what is wrong with their teeth and therefore, makes this concession. A coupon for the same is offered to every new patient, which expires in 30 days and patients are required to use the same within the given time.



Nitrous oxide or laughing gas is provided free of charge at the next appointment because the firm believes that patients should not pay to find out what is wrong with their teeth. Here again the offer is limited to one coupon to be used within 30 days.



Patients also have the benefit of getting a free emergency exam when required. The conditions remain the same with the individuals benefiting by the examination, consultation and x-rays.



People would have heard about frequent-flyer miles, which is offered by airlines. The Shamblott Family Dentistry has a free six-month smiles' consultation, which gives patients the benefit of having straight teeth in about six months.



These offers are made with the sole understanding that patients should not have to spend money on consultations but should get an idea about what is wrong with their teeth well in advance of the treatment. Most dentists would not make such offers because they would stand to lose a large amount of money for the same. However reputed firms like the Shamblott Family Dentistry do not hesitate to do so because they understand the difficulties that people go through to have a small matter like rectifying problems with their teeth and the costs that are involved in the same